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Top 10 Nutrient rich Microgreens

Updated: Mar 20

When we started our awareness campaign about Microgreens, a large part of people wanted to know the benefits of consuming Microgreens regularly. After knowing the benefits when they wish to consume, they become a little bit confused to choose the appropriate variety of microgreens that they need most. If you want to know the basics about microgreens, click.

Hence, a list of top nutrient rich microgreens with specific nutritional and medicinal benefits seems to be necessarily discussed in order to remove the confusion to choose the right variety.

Here, a list of top 10 nutrient enriched microgreens is given:

In present days, Broccoli Microgreens is considered as one of the most powerful leaves that have mild flavour and crunchy, dense texture. You may consume them to the topping of any stir fried, steamed or baked recipe. It will surely enhance the taste, value and visual appeal of your plate. It is well known as anti-cancerous food worldwide.

  • Full of Vitamin A, B, C, E & K.

  • High in Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Phosphorus.

  • Full of antioxidant and amino acids.

Broccoli contains huge amount of Sulphoraphane that reduces the size and number of cancer cells by up to 75%. Several researches claim that sulforaphane reduced the expression of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in cancer cells that leads to disruption of the cells’ ability to form colonies in metastatic cancer. In addition, Broccoli microgreens are considered as the great source of glucoraphanin which promotes insulin sensitivity and effectively controls blood sugar level. It helps to get glowing and healthy skin also because of its higher concentration of vitamin C.

2. Alfalfa

With dark green leaves, the 'King of all foods' , Alfalfa microgreens have a mild flavour and crunchy texture. Its nutty flavour will complement the lamb or chicken stir fry perfectly. It is considered as one of the effective foods that significantly controls cholesterol level.

  • Excellent source of antioxidant.

  • Rich in vitamin C, K and folate.

  • Extremely low in calories.

Alfalfa has ample amount of Saponins that decreases blood lipids and lowers the risk of developing Cancer. in todays' lifestyle, most of the women face uncomfortable symptoms during menopause due to oestrogen reduction. In that case, Alfalfa, a phytoestrogen has the compounds which function like oestrogen to minimise hot flashes and night sweats during menopause. Besides, consuming it regularly disrupts the oxidative stress on hair cells and restore a shining, youthful hair.

3. Radish

Radish microgreens are another tiny, amazing leaves that come with peppery spicy flavour and crispy texture. It may become a great addition in your weight losing salad and cold soups. To keep your cardio vascular system healthy, add a handful of radish microgreens to your plate regularly.

  • Vitamin A, B, C, E and K.

  • Rich in Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

Radish microgreens improve the entire Cardiovascular health. It contains folate and vitamin B6 which break down homocysteine related with the fat deposition in blood vessels that leads to heart attack. As it has high concentration of Polyphenols, an anti-oxidant rich component, it can minimise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Being rich in Vitamin C, it can destroy the dangerous molecules caused by free radicals, drugs, pollution, UV radiation, toxins and stress which will lead to glowing and shining skin naturally. It can be one of the ideal foods in excessive weight reduction because of its low calory and high vitamin properties.

The little green leaves have its own distinctive astringent flavor with nutty texture. You can add them to pasta, omelettes, soups or your vegetable plate. Arugula rocket magically prevents Osteoporosis and becomes beneficial to the pregnant women.

  • Rich in calcium, folate and iron,

  • High in vitamin C and K

  • Great source of fibre.

Arugula Rocket contains huge amount of Folate that is necessary for foetal development and prevention of neutral tube defect. Being low in oxalate properties, it is completely safe for pregnant and lactating women. Its high density of vitamin K is important for bone mineralization and improves calcium absorption of human body. By regulating blood glucose and lowering insulin resistance, it lowers the risk of developing Diabetes. Besides, it prevents people from overeating by making them feel fuller with its high fibre content.

The tiny tender, juicy leaves surprise you with a gentle spicy and zestier flavour than regular mustard seeds. It very much suites as the toppings of various Indian dishes because of its strong spicy flavour. It helps to get better immunity and improves your vision health.

  • Rich in vitamin A, C, E and K

  • High in protein, fibre, folate and calcium.

As mustard microgreens are rich in vitamin A, it boosts the immune system by promoting the growth of T cells and helps to fight against potential infections. The lutein and zeaxanthin in Mustard protects retina from oxidative damage, harmful UV rays and age-related macular degeneration.

The deep green leaves of Kohl Rabi microgreens have an earthy flavour with mild and sweet taste. It is an excellent garnish to sandwiches, slaw and any kind of egg dishes. It becomes helpful to get better gut health and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation.

  • High in vitamin C and vitamin B6.

  • Great source of Potassium, Phosphorus and Calcium.

  • Full of antioxidant properties.

  • Contains soluble and insoluble fibre.

The anthocyanins of Kohl Rabi significantly controls blood pressure level and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. The insoluble fibre attracts water in stool and promotes regular bowel movements.

Being bright pink in colour, Beet has an earthy flavor and little bitter taste. It becomes gradually popular in various multicuisine recipes. It may be a great option in your bowl of salad, burger or wrappers. A glass full of beet juice effectively supports your brain health and digestive system. It reduces the risk of developing cardio vascular diseases and stroke also.

  • Low in calories.

  • High in vitamin C and B6.

  • Good source of fibre.

The alpha-lipoic acid in beetroot helps to control diabetes by lowering glucose levels and increasing insulin sensitivity. Huge amount of nitrate in beetroot reduces high blood pressure by turning body dietary nitrates into nitric oxide that helps to widen blood vessels. As beetroot is excellent source of fiber, it improves digestive system and prevents constipation and inflammatory bowel disease. The vitamin C of beetroot protects skin from UV rays by decreasing cell damage and prevents appearance of aging or wrinkles by playing important role in collagen synthesis.

Having bitter taste and earthy flavor, wheatgrass juice is regarded as one of the superfoods that may be consumed in regular basis. You may consume it in juice or smoothie form.

  • High in Vitamin A, C, E and K

  • Rich in iron, magnesium and calcium

  • Full of antioxidant properties.

  • Contain amino acids.

The antioxidant properties of wheatgrass remove the bodily toxins which lead to oxidative stress and help to fight against chronic inflammation that may cause autoimmune diseases namely Rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. Some studies claim that wheatgrass is related to the reduction of leukemia and oral cancer cells.

9. Fenugreek

The tiny light green leaves with white stems are packed with various magical benefits. It tastes spicy and nutty along with a little bit bitter. It can be enjoyed in smoothies or sprinkled on top of your plate of stir fries. Along with the prevention of heart disease it is well known as pain reliever.

The tiny light green leaves with white stems are packed with various magical benefits. It tastes spicy and nutty along with a little bit bitter. It can be enjoyed in smoothies or sprinkled on top of your plate of stir fries. Along with the prevention of heart disease it is well known as pain reliever. Rich in Vitamin A, B, D High in fibre Excellent source of biotin As fenugreek controls blood pressure level and lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by its wide range of dietary fibre which creates viscous gel in intestine. The alkaloid compound in fenugreek significantly makes relief from pain while most of the women face a problem of having painful period. Daily biotin intake is necessary as it is not stored in human body. During pregnancy, biotin deficiency leads to abnormal development of fetus. So along with folic acid, daily at least 30 mcg of biotin is needed to maintain a healthy pregnancy and lowers their risk of biotin deficiency. Biotin is also effective to improve the texture of skin, hair and durability of nails.   Besides, it stimulates the production of breast milk in lactating mother. The antidiabetic properties of fenugreek minimise glucose absorption in intestine and improves insulin sensitivity.
Fenugreek Microgreens

  • Rich in Vitamin A, B and D

  • High in fibre

  • Excellent source of biotin.

Fenugreek controls blood pressure level and lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by its wide range of dietary fibre which creates viscous gel in intestine. The alkaloid compound in fenugreek significantly makes relief from pain while most of the women face a problem of having painful period. Daily biotin intake is necessary as it is not stored in human body. During pregnancy, biotin deficiency leads to abnormal development of fetus. So along with folic acid, daily at least 30 mcg of biotin is needed to maintain a healthy pregnancy and lowers their risk of biotin deficiency. Biotin is also effective to improve the texture of skin, hair and durability of nails.

Besides, it stimulates the production of breast milk in lactating mother. The antidiabetic properties of fenugreek minimise glucose absorption in intestine and improves insulin sensitivity.

Slightly pale green leaves of Pak Choi microgreen taste sweet with a mild and earthy flavor.

  • Rich in folate, mangnesium, calcium and iron

  • Source of sulphoraphane.

  • Contain brassinin.

  • Vitamin K, A, beta carotene and C.

Pak Choi microgreens are considered as one of the top cancer-fighting foods. The sulphoraphane in it protects cells from DNA damage and significantly inactivate carcinogens. Being rich in Brassinin, an antimicrobial and antioxidative substance, Pak Choi microgreens lower the risk of developing prostate, colorectal, lung and breast cancer.

The huge amount of polyphenols and vitamin K in Pak Choi significantly reduces unwanted inflammation. It also provides great amount of vitamin A that helps to treat various eye related disease including preventing cataract and improving dry eyes.

Besides, it becomes helpful to build strong bone.


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